Run the Server Icon for a Database Instance

Geo SCADA Expert's Server Icon is an application that you can use to access a variety of server settings, including the Server Configuration Tool, Server Status Window, and Start Server and Shutdown Server options. When you install a Geo SCADA Expert database server, the server icon that is shown in the Windows system tray is for the default Geo SCADA Expert server. If you use the Database Manager to create additional Geo SCADA Expert database servers (database instances), each of those instances can also have a server icon (the server icons are displayed side-by-side in the system tray).

4 Geo SCADA Expert Server Icons running in the Windows system tray

When you first create a database instance, you can select the Run Server Icon on Startup option (you can also select the option after you create the database instance. (see Edit or Display the Details of a Database Instance). If you select this option, it means that whenever you log on to Windows, a server icon for that instance will run automatically. However, if the Run Server Icon on Startup option is not selected, you will need to use a command line or desktop shortcut to run the server icon manually:

Command Line

  1. Run the Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe).
  2. Use the cd command to change the current working directory to the directory where Geo SCADA Expert is installed. The command for the default directory is:

    cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\ClearSCADA"

  3. Enter:

    ServerIcon.exe /root <database instance name>

  4. Where <database instance name> is the Name defined for the database instance when it was first created (see Add a Database Instance). Do not include the angle brackets < >.
  5. Press Enter. The server icon for the database instance runs. It is displayed in the system tray, alongside the server icons for the default Geo SCADA Expert database server and any other database instances. If you place the cursor over a server icon, a ToolTip reveals the name of the database instance to which that server icon relates.


Desktop Shortcut

  1. In Windows, create a new shortcut (right-click on the desktop, and then select New>Shortcut).
  2. Windows now prompts you to type or select the location of the item. Type or select the location of the ServerIcon.exe on your machine. By default, this application is stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\ClearSCADA.
  3. Alter the address of the location so that it has /root <database instance name> as a suffix. Where <database instance name> is the Name defined for the database instance when it was first created (see Add a Database Instance). Do not include the angle brackets < >.

    For example:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\ClearSCADA\ServerIcon.exe" /root CSDB

    then select Next.

  4.  Enter a name for the shortcut icon. We recommend that you create a name that includes the database instance to which the server icon relates, for example, ServerIcon_CSDB.
  5. Select Finish.

Using the switch '/root' in a command line or desktop shortcut is the only way to run a server icon for a database instance manually. Other techniques, such as running the Server Icon application directly will only result in launching the server icon for the default Geo SCADA Expert database server.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021